Environmental Solutions
Tortis Coatings is an ideal application for applications where its desired to contain liquids or prevent groundwater from penetrating. Most commonly used to resurface and qualify existing containment basins to meet or exceed hazardous waste storage regulation 40 CFR 264.175.
Secondary Containment Solutions
Under the authority of the Clean Water Act, the Oil Pollution Prevention Regulation set requirements for the prevention of, preparedness for and response to oil discharges at non-transportation-related facilities, with the goal of containing oil discharges and prevent oil from contaminating navigable waters. The EPA presents requirements for secondary containment in its hazardous waste storage regulation 40 CFR 264.175. This requires that a secondary containment system be impervious, free of gaps or cracks and compatible with the material being stored. Secondary oil containment around transformers is critical for capturing oil spills and protecting the environment.
Tortis Spillsafe portable containment solutions provide effective spill containment to bring owners into compliance with federal regulation. Spillsafe Is a deployable kit that is ideal for remote locations like solar or wind farms, or anywhere a compliant secondary containment is needed. Unlike typical concrete containments that require form work, coatings, and are impacted by weather delays and cure time, Spillsafe can be deployed and set up in 1-2 days providing economical compliance in a leakproof containment.